The Xiaomi Mi CC9 Pro has been in the rumor mill for the past month and the device is allegedly coming with 30W fast-charging. Another rumor saying the phone will have a 108 MP camera appears to be true, according to a poster by Xiaomi, saying the phone will arrive on November 5.
The image also reveals the Mi CC9 Pro will have a total of five cameras, lined up vertically. The setup also shows two dual-LED flashes next to a sign, saying “5X Optical”, giving heads up about the telephoto camera.
Xiaomi is pushing its CC lineup for “creative and curious” people that love to take photos, and with such a smartphone fans will be able to shoot all kinds of images - wide-angle landscapes, 5x zoomed images, impressive shots in the dark courtesy of the Samsung ISOCELL Bright HMX sensor, macro shots and portraits with background blur.
The 108 MP camera is not going to be a first - it is the same main shooter that can be seen in the Mi Mix Alpha - after all it was developed jointly by Xiaomi and Samsung.
The event will also be the launching ground for a new Xiaomi Mi TV and a new Xiaomi smartwatch.
The image also reveals the Mi CC9 Pro will have a total of five cameras, lined up vertically. The setup also shows two dual-LED flashes next to a sign, saying “5X Optical”, giving heads up about the telephoto camera.
Xiaomi is pushing its CC lineup for “creative and curious” people that love to take photos, and with such a smartphone fans will be able to shoot all kinds of images - wide-angle landscapes, 5x zoomed images, impressive shots in the dark courtesy of the Samsung ISOCELL Bright HMX sensor, macro shots and portraits with background blur.
The 108 MP camera is not going to be a first - it is the same main shooter that can be seen in the Mi Mix Alpha - after all it was developed jointly by Xiaomi and Samsung.
The event will also be the launching ground for a new Xiaomi Mi TV and a new Xiaomi smartwatch.